Boating with Paul, Kim & Jim
Saturday April 19, 2008
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Suzette and I RON'd on the boat Friday night. Paul and Kim joined us about 1000 on Saturday morning. We made ready and with Jim headed out. First stop was Spring Cove Marina for fuel and pump out. Then over to Clark's Landing Anchorage for anchoring fam.  A little trouble playing out the anchor chain and line, but got it figured out and successfully set the anchor. Shut down for 20 minutes and had a drink. Restarted, recovered the anchor and went short way to Clark's Landing Restaurant. Docked and had lunch there. After lunch, cruised by Mickey's house. Then returned to Port McGrath.

Suzette's first reveille on Ma Lady II
``Reveille, reveille. All hands on deck. Heave out. Trice up. Now reveille.''

Jim and Paul working the anchor and windlass

Anchor successfully deployed