Boat Cruise - Town
Creek to Hudson Creek
Saturday, november
2, 2008
On Saturday, Suzette and I took
advantage of the great fall weather. We left Jim's dock about 10:20 AM
and cruised into the Chesapeake Bay north to Little Choptank River.
We turned east into the river and went to Hudson Creek. We went
up the creek about a mile, the back to Little Choptank and a little
further east to Fishing Creek. We cruised about a mile up Fishing
Creek, then reversed course. Everything wa good except, lots
of crab pots near entrance to Little Choptank. Had to slow down
and weave through them carefully. Returned to Solomon's for lunch at
Four Winds Cafe. then returned to dock at about 5:00 PM. The boat ran fine all day. A great day on the water.

Heron wading at low tide between Town Creek entrance day mark and
shore. Very shallow water inside the day mark.

House about a mile up Hudson Creek.

Calvert Cliffs between Drum
Point and Little Cove Point

Calvert Cliffs between Drum
Point and Little Cove Point

Our route from Jim's dock, into the Chesapeake Bay, north past James
Island, into the Little Choptank River, north into Hudson Creek, back
into Little Choptank, east to Fishing Creek, southeast in Fishing Creek
and return to Solomons for lunch then return to Jim's dock.